
Here is a funny little story from Junior Church a couple weeks ago.

The memory verse for July was Psalm 139:17 -- How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God. How great is the sum of them!

I always like to try to make up motions for the important words in the verse, or at least try to emphasize certain words to help make the verse easier to learn. Well, for this verse, I acted like I was holding something small in my hands, trying to protect it, to explain the wordd "precious." (If any of you have seen The Lord of the Rings movies, you might know where this is going...)

Well, one of the older boys in the class, Jacob, started saying the word precious just like the creepy little character in the movies did, which made me laugh. I mentioned to him that he was freaking me out sounding like the little creature (I don't remember his name, sorry.) which just made him say it more. This, of course, distracted everyone from the memory verse, and those who knew about the LOTR starting talking about it, and those who didn't know about it asked what in the world we were talking about. I guess you needed to be there to get the full effect of the story.

So, the next couple of Sundays, when we would go over the verse, it was just a precious


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