Pandamania in Junior Church

There was pandamania in Junior Church the month of July. I took the lessons from Group's VBS kit, and tailored it for Junior Church. I didn't actually buy the kit, but based the lesson plans off of the overview page in the catalog for the VBS kit. The theme of the kit was "Pandamania! Where God is wild about you!" This was based on Psalm 139.

The different days were:
God made you. -- God creates the world.
God listens to you. -- God hears Elijah's prayer on Mount Carmel.
God watches over you. -- God protects Jonah.
God loves you no matter what. -- Jesus died for you.
God gives good gifts. -- God gives Hannah a son.

 I borrowed the cardboard stand-up from another church my aunt cleans.
They let me use it for no charge. That saved me a lot of money.

I ordered these character posters from
They were cheaper than Group.

I had told the kids if they brought me a picture of a panda or a toy panda, they would get an extra ticket towards a prize. Elizabeth drew me this picture. How sweet of her.

It is not a bamboo tree, but a little panda liked to hide in the leaves.

See? I told the kids he was watching for well behaved children...not sure if they bought that. 

I didn't get a picture of my bulletin board for some reason, but the background was bamboo branches. I stapled different pandas all over the board, and my memory verse was Psalm 139:17. 

The kids enjoyed the theme this month a lot.

For the months of August and September, we are going to have a camping theme, based off of the SonRock Kids Camp by Gospel Light. Carl and I are going down to the church tomorrow to decorate. I am excited, even though I am so not a camping person. Roughing it to me means going without Internet access for more than a


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