Weekend Wrap-Up...

...right before another weekend arrives!

I was going to blog about our weekend earlier this week, but it didn't work out. Better late than never, though, right?

Saturday evening, Carl and I invited some young couples from church over for a cookout and fellowship. We got a little worried when it started raining about the time everyone arrived. But, we just moved our picnic table to the garage, and the rain stopped after we finished eating. The guys were able to play some corn hole, and us ladies chatted while the little girls played with my old camera. They took A LOT of pictures. Here are some pictures that they took.

We had a really good time, and talked of getting together again soon.

Also that night, we noticed that we have a little barn owl visiting us.

It was living in one of the trees on the property line between us and our neighbors. But those trees got cut down this week. More on that later...

Sunday evening, we were honored to have the Union Bible College Choir sing for us. They did an outstanding job, and the Lord's presence was very near. Many hearts were blessed.


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