Graduation Service

Sunday evening at church, we had a Graduation service for the children and young people that graduated. We had 3 graduating from Kindergarten, 1 from 8th Grade, 1 from High School, and 2 from College.
Olivia and Samantha sang "This Little Light of Mine" and Evan sang "I Am a Promise" for us. Luke played a nice arrangement of "In The Garden" on the piano, Byron played "Come Thou Fount" on the trumpet, and Sarah played "Our Great Savior" on her saxophone. Pastor Forsee had each graduate come to the platform while he read a short bio on each of them. Each one also received a Bible from the church. After the service, we all went back to the Fellowship Hall and ate cake and some other snacks together. Here are some pics from the evening. Check out the videos on my Facebook to see the Olivia, Samantha, Evan and Luke performing their songs.

Getting ready to march in...

Samantha -- Kindergarten

Olivia -- Kindergarten

Evan -- Kindergarten

Luke -- 8th Grade

Byron -- High School

Sarah -- God's Bible School

Josh -- Purdue University


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