Going Back in Time...

I am working on a Shutterfly photo book for my Grandma Miller for her 80th birthday in August. I know that is still a ways off, but I know it will be here before I know it. My uncle John sent me some old photos to go through, which I have been doing last night and tonight. I have been scanning the photos that I may want to use in Grandma's book. I want pictures from her childhood, her dating days with Grandpa, and pics of her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

I love looking at old pictures. It brings back such fond memories. Pictures can make you smile, laugh, sigh, and even cry. I guess it is true that a picture says a thousand words.

Here are some pictures I found interesting in my search. Do you recognize anyone in these pics?

My Grandpa Miller serving in the Army in Germany during WWII

My Dad with his brothers. Dad is the third from the left in the back row.

Grandpa and Grandma in Florida...I believe during Sea Breeze Camp Meeting in 1986.

Grandma with her grandkids. I am on Grandma's lap, Robin sitting next to her, and Mindie is hold James on her lap.

James and I with Uncle Steve

That's my Momma!

I may post some more pictures as I find them. I think it is fun to go back in time, don't you?


Nettie's Nook said…
Love to remember things from the past. A picture can trigger a memory that you thought you had forgotten...

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