God is Good, All the Time

God has been especially good to us this week. On Friday, my boss surprised me by giving me a raise in my salary. I was not expecting it at all. It has been a while since I have received a raise, but I knew with the economic situation, it would not be a good idea to ask for one. So I was just going to wait. The raise was more than I thought it was going to be, so I am very thankful.

Then, when I came home for lunch that day, there was a check from our escrow account. We evidently had a surplus in that account. Our property taxes and home owner's insurance actually went down, causing our mortgage payment to go down as well. We are very thankful for God's blessings in our lives. Not just monetary blessings, but for our health, family, friends, a good church to attend, each other, and the list could go on and on.

A lot of times, we can be tempted to look at all the bad thing going on around us, and take our eyes off of Jesus and the good things in life. Lord, help me to see the good in every situation. Like Joseph in the Old Testament, let me be able to say that even when others mean it for evil, God means it for good. Genesis 50:20


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