April Memories (AKA -- Long Time, No Post)

Where in the world have I been?

Really, nowhere, but I have been super busy here at home.

Instead of doing separate posts about each thing, this is going to be a summary post of what has been going on in the life of the Froelichs. Here goes!

We celebrated Easter with a Sunrise service at church. We really enjoyed hearing Rod Vore minister to us. We had a pitch-in breakfast after the service before our Easter Sunday School and Worship services.
We had around 30 kids in Junior Church on Easter, which gave us a packed out room. It was great! :)

Us on Easter after church

We found this yard sign at LifeWay for only $5. We had it in our yard for a few weeks. I am so glad that HE IS RISEN!

Other happenings in April included going to IHC for Thursday afternoon and evening. The Children's Service was very well done. Good job, Gene and Angie Davis!

The Friday evening after IHC, our church had the Penn View Choir and Orchestra. Carl and I had the privilege of hosting two students at our house for the night. To be honest with you all, I was a little nervous about having strangers over. You know, I kept thinking that my house wasn't good enough, or it wouldn't be clean enough, even though we had cleaned like we were having the Queen of England stay at our house. All that stress for nothing, though. The girls we had were very gracious and down to earth. We enjoyed having them.

This past Saturday evening, we had some of our family over for tacos. It was nice to spend time with them.

This weekend, we are planning on going to an Indy Indians baseball game, and we are having a group from Union Bible College for a service on Sunday night.


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