Have You Thanked A Veteran Today?

Today is 11-11-11.
Veteran's Day.
Do you have any veterans in your family? I do. My husband, my father, my uncle, and my grandpa were all Veterans. I know at least one of my Grandpa's brothers was in the service as well, maybe two of his brothers.  I think a couple of my Grandma's brothers served in the miltary as well. My Dad, uncle, and Grandpa were all in the Army, and my husband served in the Air Force.

Grandpa served during World War II, and was overseas in Germany. He talked about his time in the service a lot, especially as the Alzheimer's progressed.

Sorry, these photos are old, and not in the best condition.
Grandpa Miller

Dad and my Uncle Don served in the Army during peace time, as my Dad called it. They Dad was stationed both went to different countries, my Dad to Panama, where he met and married Mom, and my uncle in other countries. Uncle Don spent more time in the service than my Dad did.

My Daddy

Uncle Don with Grandpa and Grandma Miller

 I don't have a photo of my husband Carl in a military uniform, but Carl was in the Air Force. He spent time in North Dakota, Alaska (in the Aleutian Islands, very close to Russia) and in upstate New York, after completing his basic training in San Antonio. He did weather observation in the service, which is what he does now at the Indianapolis Airport. He must really enjoy it..hahaha!

We should all take the time to thank a Veteran for what they have done for our country. In the words of a song, "all gave some, but some gave all."

Thankful for the freedoms we have today.


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