DIY T-shirt Scarf

This scarf how-to has been floating around on Pinterest for quite a while. I thought I would try to make one. It turned out to be very easy. (Which is good, since I get to teach others how to make it at our next church Ladies Night...)

All you need is an XL or XXL  t-shirt, a paper plate, pen, and a pair of scissors.

Lay your shirt out on a flat surface.

Take your plate and lay on your shirt and trace circles. You want to get at least 8 circles, preferably 10 to 12.

Once you have traced circles, cut them out. Once you have all the circles cut out, cut the circles into spirals. I'm sorry, I don't have a picture of that.

When you have all the circles cut into spirals, stretch the spirals out to make ruffles. I had 13 circles that I stretched out. I took an extra piece of t-shirt fabric and tie them all together. This is my finished product. I plan on wearing it tomorrow.

Here is the link from Pinterest. (Click on the photo)

...and here is another link:


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