Trying to Play "Catch-Up"

I hope all you mothers had a very happy Mother's Day. I put together these flowers for the Junior Church kids to give to their mothers.
I think they liked it, and the moms liked it too.

We are doing an airplane theme in Junior Church for May and June. I got the idea from It is the Flight School VBS, I am just using it as a Junior Church theme. I am stretching out some of the lessons over a couple of Sundays, instead of just one lesson per Sunday. The kids are enjoying it. Here is a picture of the bulletin board.

I also started a new discipline incentive in Junior Church. Every Sunday, the kids can pick one of these

out of a bucket to hold onto during the service. If someone misbehaves, he or she gets two warnings. The third time the child misbehaves, the token is taken away, and they do not get any candy at the end of the service. If they still have the token at the end of the service, they get candy and get to take to token home. The kids love it...they like picking out their own special token. I have done this for almost 2 months and have only had 1 child lose their token. I have to get more of these tokens soon. I have looked at JoAnn's, Hobby Lobby, and a local Dollar Tree, but I haven't been able to find them. Any other suggestions? I don't know where the ones I have were purchased because I didn't buy them.


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