Thursday Thoughts

Just some random thoughts for the evening.

* I am so proud of myself. I folded some fitted sheets tonight and they didn't look like a disaster. They actually looked good...not as good as when you bring them home from the store, but a lot better than I usually fold them. I hate folding sheets, especially the fitted sheets. Anyone have a tips on folding them nicely?

* I got my eyebrows threaded tonight after work. It has been a while since I have had them done. They look so much better now. They were getting a little (or a lot) out of control.

* I have a strange obsession with my feet. I can't stand for anything to be touching my feet. I love fact one sounds heavenly right now, but I can't stand for some one's feet to be touching mine. I am always telling Carl "Don't touch my feet!" Anyone else have a weird thing like that going on?

* I noticed today that some of my lilies from last year are starting to come up. No blooms yet, obviously, but I am seeing some green stems coming up though the grass. Also, there is a lot of new growth on my rose bush.

* I made a goal/rule for myself this week. Laptop does not turn on until after 8pm. Before, the computer would be turned on as soon as I got home from work. I would then be distracted by Facebook, blogs, YouTube, news sites the rest of the night. I wouldn't get much else done. Now, I can devote more time to my personal devotions, get more things done around the house, exercise, catch up on my reading, and maybe even get some crafting done by not being on the computer ALL the time. I am on the computer almost all day at work, and then coming home to a computer was getting to be too much. Monday and Tuesday, I didn't have a headache at night. (I had a doozy of one Wednesday, but I think that was from lack of caffeine/weird eating schedule.) I haven't had much of a headache today either. I think this new rule will really help me.

* The Indiana Pacers start the first round of the playoffs this weekend. It has been a l-o-n-g time since the team has been in the playoffs. I hope they do well.

Enough thinking for one evening. Later, y'all!


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