Showing posts from April, 2011
In Christ Alone
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I love this song! Read these lyrics, and really let them sink in. In Christ Alone In Christ alone my hope is found; He is my light, my strength, my song; This cornerstone, this solid ground, Firm through the fiercest drought and storm. What heights of love, what depths of peace, When fears are stilled, when strivings cease! My comforter, my all in all— Here in the love of Christ I stand. In Christ alone, Who took on flesh, Fullness of God in helpless babe! This gift of love and righteousness, Scorned by the ones He came to save. Till on that cross as Jesus died, The wrath of God was satisfied; For ev'ry sin on Him was laid— Here in the death of Christ I live. There in the ground His body lay, Light of the world by darkness slain; Then bursting forth in glorious day, Up from the grave He rose again! And as He stands in victory, Sin's curse has lost its grip on me; For I am His and He is mine— Bought with the precious blood of Christ. No guilt i...
Easter Videos
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I wanted to post some music videos of songs that I love to hear during the Easter season. This one is one of my favorite songs by David Phelps. It may not have the "Southern Gospel" sound to it, but I love the message. I heard this song for the first time at the first Gaither Homecoming concert I attended. I loved it then, and still love it today. I hope you enjoy it.
Thursday Thoughts
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Just some random thoughts for the evening. * I am so proud of myself. I folded some fitted sheets tonight and they didn't look like a disaster. They actually looked good...not as good as when you bring them home from the store, but a lot better than I usually fold them. I hate folding sheets, especially the fitted sheets. Anyone have a tips on folding them nicely? * I got my eyebrows threaded tonight after work. It has been a while since I have had them done. They look so much better now. They were getting a little (or a lot) out of control. * I have a strange obsession with my feet. I can't stand for anything to be touching my feet. I love fact one sounds heavenly right now, but I can't stand for some one's feet to be touching mine. I am always telling Carl "Don't touch my feet!" Anyone else have a weird thing like that going on? * I noticed today that some of my lilies from last year are starting to come up. No blooms yet, obviousl...
Thoughts of Spring
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I saw this maxi dress on the Kohls website. I think it would be really cute with a sweater or shrug. It is on sale right now, but I may wait until it is on sale and I have a additional coupon to use. I bought these flowers at Target tonight. I liked how they looked very "springy." Plus, I noticed after I bought the bouquet there is some eucalyptus in it. Supposedly, eucalyptus is stress relieving. (Maybe I should buy a bouquet for my office.) 
New Purchases
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Saturday was a more laid-back Saturday than the past Saturdays have been. It always seem like we have so much to do on Saturday, we are constantly on the run. I was glad for a lazy Saturday. All we had planned was buying groceries and decorating the Junior Church room. I had also wanted to go to Cato's to find a new skirt or two. I did find a jean skirt and a gray casual skirt that would still be business appropriate for work. Cato had the cutest suit on display that would have been perfect for Easter, but I didn't see the items on the rack. It was a cute aqua color. I may have to go back and check on it again. We also found the time to go to Family Christian Store, where I purchased this: David Phelps is one of my favorite tenors, and I was really looking forward to getting this. I can't wait to watch it. Carl also was a good sport, and we went to the mall. We only went in to two stores, New York and Co, and Hallmark. NY & Co was having a 50% off everything sale. ...
Mark Lowry Concert
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On March 26th, Carl and I went to hear Mark Lowry in concert in Indy. It was our first Mark Lowry solo concert, and we really enjoyed it. Mark has Stan Whitmire with him playing the piano for him. I was impressed with Stan's playing. He is really good. Mark was funny as always, and sang several songs that blessed us. It was a really great evening. Funny story, though. Butler was playing their game against Florida during the first part of the concert, when a group called the 3rd Row Boys were singing. (They were good, by the way.) There was a short break before Mark Lowry came on. There were only a few minutes left in the game as the intermission ended. I was keeping track of the game on my phone (as were several others, I could tell). You could see/hear different people in the crowd whisper to each other as Butler won the game. When Mark finished his first song, people were cheering for Butler. hahaha. Here are some pictures from the night. Me with Stan Whitmire during intermis...