Thursday Thoughts

Random thoughts for the evening:

* I am so tired of the cold weather. It was so cold today. Is it ever going to be Spring?!

* Speaking of the weather, the cold and rainy weather has given me a headache. Sunshine, come back!

* Finally purchased Microsoft Office for my laptop. I look forward to using it to make bulletins and stuff for Junior Church.

* I started a new reward system in Junior Church this past Sunday. The children are earning tickets to use at the end of the month to get prizes. They all behaved pretty well on Sunday..let's see if it continues. I got the idea from Bus Convention.

* I am so ready for the weekend.

* I LOVE my iPhone! Just sayin'...

* We have been reading the book of Esther in our devotions before bed. I will have to say the story of Esther is one of my favorites. Love the excitement and suspense. Who says the Bible is not exciting?

That's all the randomness I have for now.


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