Trying to get back in the blogging spirit...

So, I think that January 2011 was my worst blogging month.

I am trying to get back in the groove. Hopefully, I get it together soon.

I did some organizing around the house the past couple of weeks. I took a small bookcase I had in the hallway and placed it in our living room next to the piano to hold my music books.
 It matches the piano and our coffee table in color very well. Now, I can use the storage cart that was holding my music to hold my Sunday School/Junior Church stuff, with the printer sitting on top of it. BTW, I LOVE my new wireless printer.

It is a Canon MP495. It was only $50 at Wal-mart. I love being able to send things to print without having to connect my laptop to the printer. I can be anywhere in the house and print stuff. (Now, if only I could think of a way to get the things I print without having to get

A few weeks ago, Target had these bookcases on sale for $16. Carl and I finally put it together this past Saturday. I put this in the hallway where the first bookcase was located. (Side note: All the books on the top shelf are ones I have yet to finish reading, or haven't even started reading...bad me.)

Then we also put together this cubicle shelf for the bedroom. We also got this on sale at Target for $40, and the bins were $5 each.
So I guess, slowly but surely, we are getting this home decorated and put together.  


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