Happy Veterans Day!

Happy Veterans Day to everyone. I hope that you all thanked a Vet for their service to our country. Grandpa Miller and Dad were on my mind a lot today, both of them being veterans.

Grandpa served in the Army in Germany during World War II.

Dad was in the Army, and served in Panama.

My uncle Donald was also in the Army, and served in several locations.

Several of my great-uncles also served in the military, but I don't remember which branch of the Armed Forces.

Also, my dear husband is an Air Force Vet. I don't have a picture of him from his military days. I do know that he was based in Alaska (very close to Russia), North Dakota, and Upstate New York.

I am very proud of the members of my family that have served the USA, during wars or during peace time. I am very proud of them. Happy Veterans Day! Thank you for what you have done.

I know this is an old music video, but I thought it was fitting.


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