You Know It's Monday When...

1. You wake up with a migraine...UGH!

2. Your hair doesn't really want to cooperate with you.

3. The hard drive on your computer at work randomly decides to crash. Hearing a "clicking" sound coming from your computer is NEVER a good thing. Then seeing a "Blue Screen of Death" :(

4. Aforementioned migraine gets worse...due to crashing hard drive.

5. You have to work on two different computers for the rest of the day...due to crashing hard drive.

6. You come home to a overflowing laundry hamper and basket. (I hate doing laundry...)

Here's hoping tomorrow is much better. We start Revival at church tomorrow night. I have been looking forward to it. I know that I personally need all the spiritual help I can get. I am in no way perfect, nor do I claim to be. Like the song says, "He's still working on me, to make me what I ought to be." I want God to show me ways to grow in my walk with Him. I intend to do everything in my power to be closer to God this time next week than I am right now.


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