Where Have I Been???

No place exciting, that's for sure. Just busy livin' life. I haven't posted anything in so long, I probably lost the 4 readers that I had. Sorry!

This week has been one of THOSE weeks...you know, what could go wrong, does go wrong. Seems like some other people have had the same kind of week. Monday morning, we woke up to very low water pressure. When Carl opened the front door, we found out why we had the low pressure, there was a water fountain in our front yard that we did not have installed. Water was bubbling up from the ground. We called the water company; they came and turned off the water, and told us to get a plumber to fix the problem. We called my cousin's husband to check things out, but he would not be able to fix it until Friday. But he hooked us up to the neighbor's water for the short term. The person who worked on our house offered to fix the broken pipe for us, so we were only without water for not even a whole day, and it didn't cost us as much as we were expecting. Thank the Lord for that.

Twice this week, I have had my car windows down when it has rained....so I had a wet seat. :( My own fault for that I guess.

Sassy, the family dog at Mom's house (I still consider her my dog too) woke up on Wednesday morning with a swollen eye. James took her to the vet and was told that she had infection in her teeth, and that those teeth needed to come out at a cost of at least $200...

Enough with the bad stuff...I have LOTS of reasons to be thankful and cheerful. Here are just a few.

1. I am getting baptised this Sunday evening. I don't know why it has taken me this long to do this, but I look forward to it.

2. We didn't have to spend as much money as we thought to repair our water situation.

3. Mom and I had pretty good results tonight while out calling for Vacation Bible School. I hope God will bless our efforts with a great turn out of kids next week.

4. This month has 5 paydays for me...woot woot!

I will really try to get back in the swing of things, posting wise. I will try to post at least one picture every day of VBS, and maybe some pictures from the Baptism on Sunday.


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