Obama to Propose Dividing Jerusalem


Let's build a team of 1 million friends of Israel to resist this.

By Joel C. Rosenberg (Washington, D.C., May 20, 2009) -- Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has just finished his visit to Washington. Full analysis on my weblog, including a link to the YouTube clip of me on Glenn Beck's show with a former CIA analyst who says he wouldn't care if Israel ceased to exist.
That said, there's more troubling news this morning. I'm horrified by credible reports that in his June 4th speech in Cairo, President Obama will say it is time to divide Jerusalem and make the holy city the capital of a Palestinian state.
No, Mr. President, it is not.
Jerusalem is and should be the eternal, undivided capital of the Jewish people and the Jewish state. Dividing Jerusalem will not make peace. Rather, it would send a message to every Radical Islamic jihadist around the world that Israel is weak, that the Jews won't even defend the sovereignty of their own capital, that there is "blood in the water," and that it is time to strike Israel and wipe her off the map. Dividing Jerusalem would trigger an apocalyptic war in the Middle East the likes of which the region has never seen.
I am committed to doing everything I possibly can to educate people -- and particularly U.S. and Canadian evangelical Christians -- to the threats facing Israel and the West due to Radical Islam, and to the biblical responsibility we have to show unconditional love and unwavering support to Israel and the Jewish people. We'll use radio, TV, the internet, emails and other media to get the word out. But we can't do it alone. We want and need your help.
One idea: let's build an alliance of one million true friends of Israel -- people who love Israel, are committed to blessing her in real and practical ways, are absolutely opposed to dividing Jerusalem, and will pray faithfully for the peace of Jerusalem and the protection of all the people of the epicenter.
Currently, we have 100,000 subscribers to our Flash Traffic email updates who are committed to this cause. If each of us recruited just 10 new friends to sign up for Flash Traffic and be part of this alliance, we would be able to communicate new information, new projects, and new prayer requests to them instantly. We would be able to mobilize people for pro-Israel events. We would be able to mobilize people to write to President Obama and their Congressional leaders to stand with Israel, not against her. We would be able to work together to stockpile food, clothing, medical supplies and other aid in Israel ahead of the next war. And we would be able to encourage one another with the knowledge that we are not alone in this important fight.Will you join us?

For more on President Obama's plan to divide Jerusalem -- and to read analysis of Prime Minister Netanyahu's visit -- please click here.

Will you help us build a global alliance of 1 million true friends of Israel? Click here to sign up for Flash Traffic.


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