Valentine's Day 1979...

...Mom and I left warm sunny Panama for cold snowy Maryland. From what Mom has told me, we actually left Panama on the 13th of February, but arrived at our final destination in Maryland on the 14th. I was just a little over 4 months old. My dad had been transferred from Panama to an army base in Maryland in September of 1978. Mom was due to have me at the end of September (I didn't arrive until October) so she was unable to go with Dad. She had to stay in Panama until after I was born, and then go through all the red tape to get to the United States. Dad had not seen me in person yet until that Valentine's Day. Needless to say, I was always a big Daddy's Girl. Mom said that she and I did not have coats when we arrived, and there was about 3 feet of snow on the ground...She had never seen snow before, so she didn't really know what to think. She said that a lot of the stores were closed because of the snow. This Valentine's Day marked 30 years of being in the US.
This is a picture of Mom and I the day we left Panama...


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