One year...

One year ago this morning, our lives were forever changed. January 2, 2008 was the day that Dad died in a car accident on the way to work. I will never forget the way I felt when the coroner came to the house to tell me the news, and how I felt when Mom asked me if the whole thing was all just a very bad dream. We will probably never know why God chose to take Dad when and how He did, but we do know that God knows why. As the song writer put it..."for I know whate'er befall me, Jesus doeth all things well." I may not have been able to say that in the days after Dad's death, but it is a little easier for me to say now.

This past year, we have learned to trust God more, and, personally, my faith in Him has grown. I have learned to trust God to meet our needs. I was always the type to run to Daddy for everything....he was my Daddy, he could fix all my problems. Or so I thought. Now, I am learning to trust my Heavenly Father to take care of me.

Today actually went a lot better than I thought it was going to go. don't get me wrong, I cried a lot today, especially when Carl and I went to the cemetery. But overall, today went pretty well. My friend Amy said to think of all the good memories that I have of Dad, and it has helped...a lot.

And, to be honest with you, typing this out has helped me a lot too.

I love you, Dad, and miss you so much!


Nettie's Nook said…
Vanessa I know that it takes alot longer than one year for all of your pain to leave, but time does help some. Cherish all your wonderful memories of your Dad and never lose sight of where he is now and most important determine that you WILL be reunited again!
Sherry said…
I am glad that God helped you through that day. I know how I struggled when I heard my dad had died and we were not close. I can't imagine how you felt. I didn't know your dad well but my mom knew your whole family and liked them all.

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