Church Picnic

On Saturday, our church held our annual Sunday School Picnic. it was at Independence Park in White River Township. That is a nice park. it was developed to be accessible to everyone, meaning people with disabilties could still enjoy going to the park. We had a good turn-out despite the heat. It was around 90 and humid. I didn't feel a brezze all day. Carl had invited a lot of his family, and they were able to come. It was nice to have them meet my Mom and my side of the family, and to have them meet our churhc family as well. They had a good time. The picnic started at about 11 and we didn't leave until about 3:30, almost 4. We had several of the bus kids from church there as well. We ate lots of food, and played games. It was a good time. Here is a link to pictures from the day:

Church Picnic 2008


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