Jumbled thoughts...

It seems like I have a million things on my mind this week. It's like everything decided to happen all at once.

At home, we had a couple of things go wrong on the same day. One is fixed, the other, I am not really sure about.

My aunt Pat lost her brother suddenly to a heart attack on Monday. They left Wednesday for North Carolina to be with the family for the viewing and funeral. On the way down, they were having van trouble. She sent me a text message while I was at lunch to pray that they could get it fixed. They were on the Virginia/West Virginia line at that time. The Lord answered prayer for them...in a way they were not expecting. They were praying that the "Check Engine" light would come back on, so they could get it someplace to be repaired. Well, God decided to fix the van Himself. They were able to make it the rest of the way to North Carolina without any more problems.

Mom stated a new job on Monday night. It is second shift, and she doesn't like it very much at all. She doesn't like the fact that she will have to miss Wednesday night church services, and Vacation Bible School this summer. Plus, I guess that there are some people making things rough for her. It has only been a week, and I can tell that it is taking its toll on her. So I have been worried about her.

I have been missing Dad like crazy this past week. I don't know why he has been on my mind so much. Last Friday, the 2nd, was 4 months since he went to Heaven. There is still a part of me that questions why God took Dad when and how he did... But then I have to remember that God knows best, and He has all the answers.

I had a terrible migraine headache yesterday. It lasted pretty much the whole day. I haven't really had a headache that bad in quite a while, so it really brought me down.

That's just a few of the things that have been on my mind this week. I know that the devil would love to take this as an opportnity to get me down, and to get me to doubt that God is still on my side. But I keep telling myself that God is still in control even when it seems everything is wrong. His grace is sufficient for every need, as long as I keep trusting Him. Like Rev Stetler said during our recent revivial, "God is still running the hedge."

Sorry for the depressing post, but I needed to get these thoughts of mine typed out. If you were to run out of things to pray about, remember us. We would appreciate it.

You know, I actually feel a little better now that I have put these things in writing. Looking back over these things, I can see where God has answered prayer, and has sent the help that was needed. God is so good to me...to all of us! He is just absolutely Amazing!


Karen Walden said…
Awwwwh! Keep encouraged girl!
Nettie's Nook said…
Vanessa never give up. It is so hard for us to see that God is working out his purpose. I totally know where you are coming from. Satan will do anything that he can to discourage us. Keep your chin up girl, this too shall pass

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