Still in Panama...

Hey all,

I am still in Panama...Mom and I will be going home on Tuesday the 29th. It has been a good trip seeing my family, but we are ready to go home.

We did not have any problems with our layover in Atlanta, or with customs when we arrived in Panama. Usually, they go thru all of your bags, but they did not do that this time...which is good, because that can be a hassle.

A lot has changed since we were here last, almost 9 years ago. Everything is more modernized than before.

It still very hot here, though. Oh my goodness, is it hot here! It has been in the upper 90s almost every day that we have been here. It has only rained once, and then only for a few minutes.

I have seen all my aunts and uncles except for two uncles that I will be seeing this weekend. I also go to meet an aunt (actually, great-aunt) that lives in New York City.

I can understand more of the Spanish that I thought I would be able to. I still cant speak very much of it though...:( A few of my cousins are able to speak English so I was able to talk to them.

Sunday, we are supposed to go to the beach...I am looking forward to that. We went to Amador (I think that is how you spell it) two different times. It is where peopl can bring their yachts. The breeze from the sea felt sooo good.

One of the sad things here is that there is not a Holiness church here in Panama...or at least not one that we have seen. Most of the people here are Catholics, but really dont practice their religion. Yeah, they may have a rosary in their car, and make the sign of the cross at different times, but they don{t go to Mass. It is almost like most of the people here (my family included) live only for the moment, giving no thought to their eternal destiny. It is very sad...

I will post more when we get back home...this time with pictures!!

See ya!


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